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Phew, now that we are through the first month its time to have some fun with our cycling and that means

we’ll need a few pieces of equipment for our workouts. You will need a jump rope (or a long piece of

rope), something unstable such as a foam Air-ex pad or just a soft piece of foam board, and a bench or

step that is about 18-24” high.

We are going to add anaerobic workouts to our program this week – only in small doses as the bigger

doses we’ll save for next month.

In between moderate effort cycling we’ll be getting off the bike to perform some sets of strength training.

We’ll have a few variations:






Set 1: Jump Rope, push-ups, step-ups

Set 2: Bench push-ups (see harder version), squat jumps, ab-crunches

Set 3: Lunges, leg lifts, unstable pushups on an Air-ex or foam surface (like a couple of pillows)

Set 4: Ab-crunches, step-ups, jump rope



WU = warm up

CD = cool down

RPMs = Revolutions Per Minute

‘ = minutes

“ = seconds


This plan is specifically created with the overweight person in mind who is looking for a no-impact

weightloss plan to start losing the pounds and getting fit. After you get done with all 3 months of this

training plan, you should be fitter, slimmer and ready to start a specific triathlon training program such as

a sprint program.


Month 2 – WEEK 1


Monday 2515’ warm up and with 5×1’ at 100 rpms. Main set is 4×3’ at moderate effort. Your recovery

Tuesday 6060’ easy spin, keep the effort conversational and the cadence between 87-92 RPMS. Tighten

Wednesday 3515’ warm up. Then 3×5’ at 87-92 RPMS. Your effort is 7/10 or Zone 3 HR. Recovery is 5’

Thursday 4545’ easy spin, keep the effort conversational and the cadence between 85-92 RPMS.

Friday Off day – cross train – walk, hike, swim.

Saturday 2010’ warm up and with 3×1’ at 100 rpms. Main set is 10×30” at moderate-hard effort. Your

after rep 1 and rep 3 is Jump Rope 1 minute, 15 pushups, 10 step ups (each leg). After reps

2 and 4 you will do: 10 Lunges (5 each leg), leg lifts 12-15 reps), unstable push ups – 8 on an

unstable surface. Once you are done, spin easy for 5’.

up the cadence even more this week. Nothing under 87 cadence!

easy spinning. Easy cool down.

recovery after the odd repeats (1, 3, 5, 7 etc) is Set 2: 8 Bench push-ups, 5 squat jumps,

10 ab crunches. After the even reps (2, 4, 6 etc) you will do Set 4: Jump rope 1’, 10 ab

crunches, 10 step-ups (5 each leg).

5’ easy spin to cool down.

Sunday 90Long aerobic day – ride from 60’-90’.


Total Time = 4hr 5min – 4hr 35min


Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, Post Workout:

2 sets: 15 push-ups, 25 crunch sit ups, 15 body weight squats, and 12 lunges, each leg. Keep good

form and if you feel good, do THREE sets!


Month 2 – WEEK 2


Monday 3615’ warm up and with 5×1’ at 100 rpms. Main set is 4×4’ at moderate effort. Your recovery

Tuesday 6060’ easy spin, keep the effort conversational and the cadence between 87-92 RPMS. Tighten

Wednesday 5315’ warm up. Then 3×6’ at 87-92 RPMS and a moderate-hard effort (7 or 8/10 effort or Zone

Thursday 4545’ easy spin, Keep the effort conversational and the cadence between 85-92 RPMS.

Friday Off day – cross train – walk, hike, swim.

Saturday 2310’ warm up and with 3×1’ at 100 rpms. Main set is 8×60” at moderate-hard effort. Your

after rep 1 and rep 3 is Jump Rope 1 minute, 20 pushups, 12 step ups (each leg). After reps

2 and 4 you will do: 12 Lunges (6 each leg), 2 x leg lifts 15-20 reps), unstable push ups – 2×8

on an unstable surface. Once you are done, spin easy for 5’.

up the cadence even more this week. Nothing under 87 cadence!

3 / 4 HR). Recovery is 5’ easy spinning. Easy cool down for 5′.

recovery after the odd repeats (1, 3, 5, 7 etc) is Set 2: 12 Bench push-ups, 8 squat jumps,

20 ab-crunches. After the even reps (2, 4, 6 etc) you will do Set 4: Jump rope 1’, 10 ab

crunches, 10 step-ups (5 each leg) and another jump rope 1’. Cool down for 5′.

Sunday 90Long aerobic day – ride from 60’-90’.


Total Time = 4hr 37min – 5hr 7min


Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, Post Workout:

2 sets: 2 minutes jump rope, 15 step ups, 12 reverse lunges, 12 dips and 20 crunch sit ups – if you feel

good, do THREE sets!


Month 2 – WEEK 3


Monday 4015’ warm up and with 5×1’ at 100 rpms. Main set is 4×5’ at moderate effort. Your recovery

Tuesday 6060’ easy spin, keep the effort conversational and the cadence between 87-92 RPMS. Tighten

after rep 1 and rep 3 is Jump Rope 1 minute, 25 pushups, 16 step ups (each leg). After reps

2 and 4 you will do: 16 Lunges (8 each leg), leg lifts 2x 20 reps), 2×10 unstable pushups.

Once you are done, spin easy for 5’.

up the cadence even more this week. Nothing under 87 cadence!

Wednesday 5315’ warm up. Then 3×6’ at 87-92 RPMS at 8/10 effort. Recovery is 5’ easy spinning between

Thursday 4545’ easy spin, keep the effort conversational and the cadence between 85-92 RPMS. Within

Friday Off day – cross train – walk, hike, swim.

Saturday 2110’ warm up and with 3×1’ at 100 rpms. Main set is 12×30” at moderate-hard effort. Your

sets. Easy 5′ cool down.

the 45’ spin, make sure you do 10×1’ at 100 rpms with 1’ recovery – all in a very light gear.

recovery after the odd repeats (1, 3, 5, 7 etc) is Set 2: 15 Bench push-ups, 10 squat jumps,

25 ab-crunches. After the even reps (2, 4, 6 etc) you will do Set 4: Jump rope 1’, 10 ab

crunches, 10 step-ups (5 each leg).

5’ easy spin to cool down.

Sunday 90Long aerobic day – ride from 60’-90’.


Total Time = 4hr 39min – 5hr 9min


Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, Post Workout:

2 sets: 15 push-ups, 25 crunch sit ups, 15 body weight squats, and 12 lunges, each leg. Keep good

form and if you feel good, do THREE sets!


Month 2 – WEEK 4


Monday 4415’ warm up and with 5×1’ at 100 rpms. Main set is 4×6’ at moderate effort. Your recovery

Tuesday 6060’ easy spin, keep the effort conversational and the cadence between 87-92 RPMS. Tighten

Wednesday 6415’ warm up. Then 4×6’ at 87-92 RPMS at 8/10 effort. Recovery is 5’ easy spinning between

Thursday 4545’ easy spin, keep the effort conversational and the cadence between 85-92 RPMS. Within

Friday Off day – cross train – walk, hike, swim.

Saturday 2310’ warm up and with 3×1’ at 100 rpms. Main set is 15×30” at moderate-hard effort. Your

after rep 1 and rep 3 is Jump Rope 1 minute, 30 pushups, 20 step ups (each leg). After reps

2 and 4 you will do: 16 Lunges (8 each leg), leg lifts 2x 25 reps), 2×12 unstable pushups.

Once you are done, spin easy for 5’.

up the cadence even more this week. Nothing under 87 cadence!

sets. Easy cool down.

the 45’ spin, make sure you do 10×1’ at 100 rpms with 1’ recovery – all in a very light gear.

recovery after the odd repeats (1, 3, 5, 7 etc) is Set 2: 18 Bench push-ups, 10 squat jumps,

25 ab-crunches. After the even reps (2, 4, 6 etc) you will do Set 4: Jump rope 1’, 20 ab

crunches, 10 step-ups (5 each leg).

5’ easy spin to cool down.

Sunday 90Long aerobic day – ride from 60’-90’.


Total Time = 4hr 56min – 5hr 26min


Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, Post Workout:

2 sets: 2 minutes jump rope, 15 step ups, 12 reverse lunges, 12 dips and 20 crunch sit ups – if you feel

good, do THREE sets!